19 April 2024

Bipedal Programmer is the personal and professional site of Dennis Caldwell. I am interested in gardening, hiking, backpacking, software development, presence, and systems thinking. In no particular order.

If you have feedback on this site, feel free to contact me via email or Mastodon. A comment section will probably never be added to the site; they just take too much time to maintain. I work in slow time, so Email is the best way to contact me. My phone is known numbers only, so leave a message if you choose that method. I am happy to return your call if it seems reasonable.

I can be reached at:

I work for Callibrity Solutions as a software development consultant. If you are interested in an engagement please contact them directly. I am available in the Cincinnati, Ohio area and via remote engagements. I actually prefer the remote work as it gives me more time for hiking and gardening. See my CV for experience.

My development is primarily on JVM languages with Spring and Spring Boot running on Linux based systems. I enjoy indexing, search engines, and pattern matching applications. I have experience in delivering product search solutions as well as finance, insurance and commerce applications.

I am interested in hiking and backpacking east of the Mississippi river. Mostly in Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio and West Virginia, although Pennsylvania and New England are not out of the question for a long weekend. I’m always looking for more hiking buddies.