
Happy Star Wars day.

Return of the JavaScript

So today I worked on getting the browser to request data from the server and update client-side controls. I spent a good part of the day working on the Fetch API in the JavaScript standard library. Remember, I am trying to create a simple web application for mobile and desktop using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

The story so far: a Spring Boot application with an H2 JDBC database, Thymeleaf templates and handcrafted HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The aim is to have a self contained notebook with underlying Markdown files. The goal is to bring my front-end skills up to close 2020 levels. I used to enjoy web development, mostly because I had a good web design team up front.

Seventh Week at Home

Today begins the seventh week working from home. I started early today, plenty of sunshine when I woke. I wish I had spent more time outside. The back porch office was overrun with stuff this weekend. I spent the day in my basement office. I had intended to plant corn tonight, then I looked at the weather forcast and decided it could wait until this weekend.

I am now to the point where I do not thing of this as "working from home". I just accept that I am working, from my home office. I am happy that I do not have a stack of remote meetings planned each day. I do not mind that I plan ten hour days. They round out to eight hours. I get up and start a load of laundry, then hang it out on the lines when the weather cooperates. The FitBit reminds me to get up and move every hour. Slow time is fine by me.

What do I do with the time I am not on the road everyday? I figure an average of ninety minutes each day that I go to the office. I sleep an extra half hour, and that really makes my life better. I also spend some time each day doing laundry and hanging it out on the lines. I have time to cook, really cook, supper every night. There is time to shop in the middle of the day, when the shelves are stocked. Working local is satisfying. I can provide money and time to my family.

Raspberry Pi 4 and Ubuntu Server 20.04

I downloaded an image for Ubuntu 20.04 for Raspberry Pi. Copied the image to my SD Card. It booted and just worked. I do not have time to install all of the extra stuff to support Synapse, I will keep detailed notes on installing it on 20.04.

I have been giving serious thought to moving to a metropolitan area when I retire, just to have everything within walking distance. The high rents have kept me from this in the past. Big city living may be on the decline now.

I spend a good part of my day reading about web APIs. My favorite site is currently Mozilla Developer Network.